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Transformer measurement devices: Concepts and applications in electromobility

Transformer measuring devices play a central role in modern electromobility. They are essential components that enable precise measurement and monitoring of electrical variables such as current and voltage. In an age in which electric vehicles are becoming increasingly important and the charging infrastructure is constantly being expanded, transformer measuring devices guarantee the safety and efficiency of these systems. Thanks to their ability to convert high voltages and currents into proportional, measurable values, they ensure continuous monitoring and control of the electrical systems in vehicles and charging stations.

Electromobility places specific demands on the accuracy and reliability of measurement and control technology. Without reliable transformer measurement equipment, important parameters required for the safe and efficient operation of electric vehicles could not be monitored correctly. This would lead to an increased likelihood of failures and safety problems. Therefore, standard current and voltage transformers are indispensable tools to overcome the challenges of electric mobility.

The following provides a deeper insight into the different types of transformer measurement devices, how they work, specific applications in electromobility and the benefits and challenges associated with their use. Particular attention is paid to their integration into electric vehicles and charging infrastructures in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of their importance and functionality.

Definition and types of transformer measurement devices

Transformer measuring devices are specialised devices that convert electrical variables such as current and voltage into proportional, measurable values. These measured values are essential for monitoring, controlling and protecting electrical systems, especially in electromobility, where precise and reliable measurements are crucial. There are different types of transformer measuring devices, each of which fulfils different functions and has specific applications.

Standard current transformers

Standard current transformers are designed to precisely measure and monitor high currents that occur in electric vehicles and their charging infrastructures. They convert these high currents into lower, proportional values that can be safely processed by monitoring and control systems. These converters are particularly important as they help to monitor the currents flowing between batteries and electric motors. By accurately measuring these currents, overloads and potential faults can be recognised and rectified at an early stage. This contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the entire system.

In the charging infrastructure, standard current transformers enable precise recording of power consumption during the charging process. This is not only important for billing and energy management, but also for preventing overloads in the power grid. By continuously monitoring the current flow, normal current transformers help to ensure that the chargers function optimally and that the batteries of electric vehicles are charged safely and efficiently.

Normal voltage transformers

Normal voltage transformers are used to precisely monitor and regulate voltage levels in electrical systems. They convert high voltages that occur in electric vehicles and chargers into lower, proportionally measurable values. These converters are essential for controlling the voltage supply in the various components of an electric vehicle. A stable voltage is essential for the service life and performance of the battery as well as for the safe functioning of all electronic systems in the vehicle.

In the charging infrastructure, standard voltage transformers ensure that the voltage remains constant during the charging process. They monitor the voltage at the charging points and ensure that it remains within safe limits to prevent damage to the batteries and chargers. Precise voltage regulation allows chargers to optimise charging performance and therefore reduce charging times without compromising safety.

How transformer measuring devices work

Transformer measuring devices are essential components of electrical systems that enable precise measurement and control. These devices work on the principle of electromagnetic induction and use primary and secondary windings to convert high electrical quantities into manageable, measurable values. The operation of these converters is crucial for their accuracy and reliability in electromobility.

Primary and secondary windings

The structure of transducer measuring devices is based on two main components: the primary and secondary windings. The primary winding is the part of the transformer through which the current or voltage to be measured flows. In the case of a current transformer, this is often a single or a few windings that conduct high currents directly. In the case of a voltage transformer, the primary winding consists of several windings that are applied to the voltage to be measured.

The secondary winding is coupled to the primary winding via a magnetic core and consists of many turns of thin wire. The number of turns in the secondary winding is considerably higher than in the primary winding. Electromagnetic induction generates a proportional voltage or current in the secondary winding. This value is significantly lower than the original value in the primary winding and can be processed safely and precisely by measuring devices.

This winding structure makes it possible to convert high voltages and currents into lower, measurable values that can then be used to monitor and control the system. The quality of the magnetic core and the precise tuning of the windings are decisive for the accuracy and performance of the transformers.

Transformation ratio

A key concept in transducer measurement equipment is the transformation ratio. The transformation ratio describes the ratio of the windings in the primary winding to the windings in the secondary winding. In current transformers and voltage transformers, this ratio is used to correctly calculate and interpret the converted values.

In the case of a current transformer, the transformation ratio indicates how much smaller the current in the secondary winding is compared to the current in the primary winding. For example, a transformation ratio of 1:1000 means that a current of 1000 amperes in the primary winding generates a current of 1 ampere in the secondary winding. This ratio ensures that high currents can be measured safely and accurately without overloading the measuring devices.

With voltage transformers, the transformation ratio works in a similar way, but at voltage level. A transformation ratio of 1:10 means that a voltage of 1000 volts in the primary winding generates a voltage of 100 volts in the secondary winding. This makes it possible to measure high voltages without the risk of damaging the measuring devices.

The accuracy of the measurements depends heavily on the transformation ratio. A precise transformation ratio ensures that the converted values are accurate and reliable, which is essential for monitoring and controlling critical systems in electromobility. Therefore, transformer measuring devices are carefully calibrated and regularly checked to ensure their accuracy.

Applications in electromobility

Transducer measuring devices are indispensable components in electromobility as they enable accurate measurement and control of electrical quantities such as current and voltage. Their applications extend to both electric vehicles and the associated charging infrastructure. Thanks to their precise operation, they make a significant contribution to the efficiency, safety and reliability of these systems.

Monitoring and control in electric vehicles

In electric vehicles, transducer measuring devices play a central role in monitoring and controlling the battery and drivetrains. Standard current transformers measure the current flow within the vehicle, particularly between the battery and the electric motor. These measurements are crucial for monitoring energy consumption and optimising the vehicle’s performance. By accurately measuring the current flow, overloads and inefficient use of energy can be detected early, extending the life of the battery and improving the overall performance of the vehicle.

Normal voltage converters monitor the voltage levels within the vehicle, particularly in relation to the battery. As the battery voltage can vary greatly, it is important to continuously monitor these fluctuations to ensure that all systems remain within safe operating limits. A stable voltage supply is necessary to protect the sensitive electronics in the vehicle and ensure optimum performance of the electric motor. Through precise voltage regulation, normal voltage converters help to prevent potential damage and increase the safety of the vehicle.

Integration in charging infrastructures

Transformer measuring devices are also of great importance in the charging infrastructure. In charging stations, standard current transformers ensure the precise recording of power consumption during the charging process. This is not only important for billing and energy management, but also for monitoring and optimising the entire charging process. By continuously monitoring the current flow, overloads can be avoided and the charging power can be adapted to the needs of the vehicle. This leads to a more efficient use of energy and shortens charging times.

Normal voltage converters in charging stations monitor the voltage levels to ensure that the voltage remains stable throughout the charging process. A constant voltage is crucial for charging electric vehicle batteries safely and efficiently. Voltage converters help to compensate for voltage fluctuations that can be caused by various factors such as grid fluctuations or different battery states of charge. Precise voltage monitoring optimises charging performance and ensures the safety of the entire charging system.


Transformer measuring devices are essential components in electromobility that ensure the safety and efficiency of electrical systems by precisely measuring and regulating current and voltage. Their application extends to both electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure, where they play an indispensable role in monitoring and control.

The role of transformer measurement devices in electromobility cannot be overemphasised. Thanks to their ability to carry out precise and reliable measurements and controls, they make a significant contribution to the safety and efficiency of modern electric vehicles and their charging infrastructures. Standard current and voltage transformers make it possible to continuously monitor complex electrical systems, detect potential problems at an early stage and thus ensure smooth operation.

As electromobility continues to develop and spread, the importance of these converters will continue to grow. Not only are they indispensable today, but they will also play a key role in further optimising and ensuring sustainable, efficient mobility solutions in the future. The continuous innovation and improvement of these technologies will help to master the challenges of electromobility even better and ensure the reliable, safe and efficient use of electric vehicles.