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Error limits: Understanding and application of error limits in measurement technology

Precision plays a crucial role in the world of measurement technology and metrology. But even with the most advanced measuring devices and methods, absolute accuracy cannot be achieved. This is where error limits come into play – a fundamental concept that defines the reliability and significance of measurements.

Error limits describe the maximum permissible difference between the measured value and the actual value of a measured variable. They indicate the range around the measured value in which the true value is most likely to lie. This concept is of central importance as it enables users to assess and communicate the quality and reliability of their measurements.

The importance of error limits

In metrology, error limits serve several important purposes. Firstly, they allow a realistic assessment of measurement accuracy. No measuring instrument is perfect, and error limits quantify this imperfection in a standardized way. This is particularly important in areas where precision is critical, such as in the manufacture of high-tech components or in scientific research.

Furthermore, error limits play a crucial role in the comparability of measurements. When two laboratories or manufacturing facilities compare their results, they need to consider the error limits of their respective measurements to assess whether any differences are significant or within normal measurement uncertainty.

Error limits in practice

In practical applications, error limits are often specified as plus-minus values that define the range around the measured value within which the true value lies with a certain probability. For example, a length measurement could be specified as 100 mm ± 0.1 mm, which means that the actual value is very likely to be between 99.9 mm and 100.1 mm.

The definition of error limits is based on various factors, including the accuracy of the measuring device, the environmental conditions during the measurement and possible systematic errors in the measurement process. In many cases, error limits are defined by norms and standards that apply to specific measurement tasks or industries.

Basics of measurement technology

Metrology is the foundation for precise and reliable measurements in a wide range of fields, from industrial manufacturing to scientific research. To fully grasp the significance of error limits, it is important to understand the basic principles and concepts of metrology.

Measured quantities and units

In metrology, the science of measurement, measurands and units play a central role. Measurands are physical properties that can be measured quantitatively. These include, for example, length, mass, time, temperature, electrical voltage and many more. Each of these measurands is expressed in specific units that are internationally standardized to ensure uniform communication and comparability of measurement results.

The International System of Units (SI) forms the basis for most of the units used in metrology. It defines seven basic units: Meter (m) for length, kilogram (kg) for mass, second (s) for time, ampere (A) for electric current, Kelvin (K) for thermodynamic temperature, mole (mol) for amount of substance and candela (cd) for luminous intensity. Numerous derived units can be formed from these basic units to describe more complex measurands.

Choosing the right unit for a specific measurement is crucial for the accuracy and comprehensibility of the results. In practice, prefixes are often used to express very large or very small values, such as milli- (10^-3) or kilo- (10^3).

Measurement process and measurement uncertainty

The measurement process is a structured sequence of steps aimed at determining the value of a measurand as accurately as possible. A typical measurement process comprises several phases:

Preparation: This is where the measurement object and the measurement environment are prepared in order to create optimal conditions for the measurement.

Execution: In this phase, the actual measurement is carried out with the selected measuring device.

Data acquisition: The measured values are recorded, often using digital systems.

Data evaluation: The recorded data is analyzed and interpreted.

Presentation of results: The measurement results are presented in a suitable form, including the indication of measurement uncertainties.

A central concept in this process is measurement uncertainty. It describes the doubt about the validity of a measurement result and is closely linked to the concept of error limits. The measurement uncertainty takes into account various factors that can influence the measurement result, such as the accuracy of the measuring device, environmental influences, operator influences and statistical fluctuations in repeated measurements.

The measurement uncertainty is usually determined using a combination of statistical methods (type A) and other methods (type B) based on experience, calibration data or manufacturer specifications. The result is often given as the expanded uncertainty of measurement, which defines a range around the measured value within which the true value lies with a certain probability (usually 95%).

Understanding measurement uncertainty is crucial for interpreting measurement results and assessing their reliability. It enables a realistic assessment of the limits of measurement technology and forms the basis for well-founded decisions in science, technology and industry.

Types of error limits

In metrology, different types of error limits play an important role in describing the accuracy and reliability of measurements. The choice of the appropriate type of MPE depends on the specific application, the measurement range and the precision requirements. The three main types of error limits – absolute error limits, relative error limits and class accuracy – are explained in detail below.

Absolute error limits

Absolute error limits specify the maximum amount by which a measured value can deviate from the actual value. They are specified in the same unit as the measured variable and are independent of the size of the measured value. A typical example of an absolute error limit would be ±0.1 mm for a length measurement.

This type of error limit is particularly useful if the accuracy remains constant over the entire measuring range. It is often used for measurements where small absolute deviations are of great importance, regardless of the measured value. In practice, absolute error limits are often used in measuring devices with a digital display, where the resolution of the device is a natural absolute error limit.

One advantage of absolute error limits is that they are easy to interpret and use. They allow a direct assessment of the maximum deviation from the actual value. However, they can lead to misunderstandings in the case of measurements with widely differing magnitudes, as the relative significance of the error limit varies with the magnitude of the measured value.

Relative error limits

In contrast to absolute error limits, relative error limits are specified as a percentage or fraction of the measured value. They describe the maximum permissible deviation in relation to the measured value. A typical indication of a relative error limit could be ±1% of the measured value.

Relative error limits are particularly useful when the accuracy varies in proportion to the measured value. They are often used in situations where measurements are made over a wide range of values and the acceptable deviation increases with the magnitude of the measured value. In practice, they are often used with electrical measuring devices or in chemical analysis.

One advantage of relative error limits is that they allow a consistent assessment of measurement accuracy across different orders of magnitude. They are particularly useful when the percentage accuracy is more important than the absolute deviation. However, they can lead to unrealistically small absolute error limits for very small measured values.

Class accuracy

The concept of class accuracy is mainly used with analogue measuring devices and is a standardized method of describing the accuracy of a device over its entire measuring range. Class accuracy is expressed as a percentage of full scale (end of range) and defines the maximum permissible deviation at any point in the measuring range.

For example, a class 1.5 meter means that the maximum error at any point in the measuring range must not exceed 1.5% of full scale. This provides a simple and standardized method of comparing the performance of different measuring devices.

The advantage of class accuracy is that it uses a single number to describe the accuracy of the device over the entire measuring range. This simplifies the selection and comparison of measuring devices. However, this method can lead to an overestimation of the actual accuracy for measurements at the lower end of the measuring range, as the absolute error remains constant while the relative error increases.

Calculation and presentation of error limits

The calculation and presentation of error limits are crucial aspects of metrology that allow the accuracy and reliability of measurements to be quantified and presented clearly. This section deals with the mathematical principles for calculating error limits and with various methods of graphical representation.

Mathematical formulas

The calculation of error limits is based on mathematical formulas that can vary depending on the type of error limit and the specific measurement situation. A basic distinction is made between the calculation of absolute and relative error limits.

The following formula is often used for absolute error limits:

Absolute error limit = |Measured value – True value|

In practice, the true value is often not known, which is why a reference value or the mean value of several measurements is used instead. For measuring devices with a digital display, half of the smallest display unit is often taken as the absolute error limit.

Relative error limits are typically expressed as a percentage and can be calculated as follows:

Relative MPE = (Absolute MPE / measured value) * 100%

When calculating error limits for indirect measurements, where the value sought is calculated from several directly measured variables, the law of error propagation is applied. This takes into account how the uncertainties of the individual measurements affect the final result. The general form of the error propagation law is

Δf = √[(∂f/∂x * Δx)² + (∂f/∂y * Δy)² + …]

Here, Δf is the uncertainty of the final result, f is the function for calculating the final result from the individual measurements, and Δx, Δy etc. are the uncertainties of the individual measurements.

The standard deviation plays an important role in the calculation of error limits for repeated measurements. It provides information about the dispersion of the measured values and can be used to estimate the measurement uncertainty. The formula for the standard deviation is

s = √[Σ(x – x̄)² / (n-1)]

Where x is the individual measured value, x̄ is the mean value of all measurements and n is the number of measurements.

Graphical representation

The graphical representation of error limits is an important tool for clearly visualizing and communicating the accuracy of measurements. There are various methods of graphically representing error limits, which can be selected depending on the application and target group.

One frequently used method is the representation of error bars in diagrams. Here, vertical or horizontal lines (error bars) are attached to the data points, the length of which represents the size of the error limit. This method is particularly suitable for displaying absolute error limits and enables a quick visual comparison of the measurement accuracy of different data points.

Another option is the use of error ellipses or error rectangles, especially if uncertainties are to be displayed in two dimensions. This method is often used in scientific research and when analyzing complex measurement data.

Percentage scales or logarithmic axes are often suitable for displaying relative error limits. These make it possible to display error limits consistently over a wide range of values.

In quality control and process monitoring, control charts are often used to display measured values together with defined control limits (which can often be interpreted as error limits) over time. This method allows trends and deviations in measurement processes to be quickly recognized.

A modern method for displaying error limits is the use of heat maps or contour plots, especially when visualizing measurement uncertainties in complex systems or spatial distributions. These color-coded representations make it possible to identify areas with higher or lower measurement accuracy at a glance.

Factors influencing error limits

The accuracy of measurements and the associated error limits are influenced by a variety of factors. A thorough understanding of these influencing factors is crucial for performing accurate measurements and correctly interpreting measurement results. In this section, the three main categories of factors influencing error limits are discussed in more detail: Environmental conditions, measurement device characteristics and operator influences.

Ambient conditions

The ambient conditions under which a measurement is carried out can have a considerable influence on the measurement accuracy and therefore on the error limits. Temperature, humidity, air pressure and other environmental factors can change the properties of both the measurement object and the measuring device and thus influence the measurement results.

Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors. Many materials expand when heated and contract when cooled, which is particularly important for precision measurements in length measurement technology. For example, a temperature change of just one degree Celsius can lead to a change in length of around 11 micrometers in a steel rod one meter long. It is therefore necessary in many cases to make temperature corrections or carry out measurements in rooms with strictly controlled temperatures.

Humidity can also have a significant influence, especially for measurements based on optical principles. High humidity can lead to condensation on optical surfaces and thus impair measurement accuracy. In addition, humidity can change the properties of certain materials, which must be taken into account when measuring mass or electrical resistance.

Air pressure and atmospheric composition play a particularly important role in precise length measurements, as they influence the refractive index of the air. This is particularly relevant for interferometric measurements, where changes in the refractive index can directly influence the measured length.

Vibration and electromagnetic interference are other environmental factors that can affect measurement accuracy. They must be taken into account in particular for sensitive electronic measuring devices or for measurements in the micro and nano range.

Measuring device properties

The properties of the measuring devices used have a direct influence on the achievable error limits. Various aspects of the measuring devices contribute to the overall uncertainty and must be taken into account when determining the error limits.

The resolution of a measuring device, i.e. the smallest still recognizable difference between two measured values, sets a lower limit for the achievable accuracy. With digital measuring devices, the resolution is often limited by the number of decimal places displayed.

The linearity of a measuring device describes how accurately the output of the device is proportional to the input over the entire measuring range. Non-linearities can lead to systematic errors that affect the error limits.

The stability of a measuring device over time and environmental conditions is another important factor. Drift, i.e. the slow change in measuring device properties over time, can lead to a deterioration in measuring accuracy and must be compensated for by regular calibration.

Sensitivity to environmental influences, such as temperature or electromagnetic fields, varies depending on the measuring device and can significantly influence the error limits. High-quality measuring devices are often equipped with compensation mechanisms to minimize these influences.

Operator influences

The human factor plays a role in the determination of error limits that should not be underestimated. Even when using high-precision measuring devices, the operator can influence the measuring accuracy in various ways.

Correct handling of the measuring device is of crucial importance. Errors in the positioning, alignment or use of measuring devices can lead to systematic deviations. Especially with manual measurements, such as with a caliper gauge, the contact pressure of the operator can influence the measurement result.

The interpretation of measured values, especially with analog displays, can vary from operator to operator. This leads to an additional uncertainty component that must be taken into account in the error limits.

The experience and training of the operator play an important role. Well-trained operators are better able to recognize and avoid potential sources of error, which leads to a reduction in the error limits.

Careful documentation and adherence to standardized measurement procedures can help to minimize operator influence and improve the reproducibility of measurements.

Application of error limits in practice

The practical application of MPEs is an essential part of various areas of industry, science and engineering. This section highlights how error limits are used in quality control, scientific research, calibration and test equipment monitoring. Specific examples are used to illustrate how understanding and correctly applying MPEs leads to reliable results and informed decisions.

Quality control

In industrial quality control, error limits play a central role in ensuring product quality and compliance with specifications. They serve as a basis for the definition of tolerance ranges and enable the differentiation between acceptable and unacceptable products.

A typical example can be found in the automotive industry in the production of engine components. Here, piston rings must have exact dimensions in order to ensure optimum engine function. The error limits for the diameter of a piston ring could be ±0.01 mm, for example. This means that a piston ring with a nominal diameter of 80 mm is still considered acceptable if its actual diameter is between 79.99 mm and 80.01 mm.

In practice, statistical process controls (SPC) are often used, in which error limits are used to define control limits. These limits help to detect process deviations at an early stage. If measured values are outside these limits, this may indicate problems in the manufacturing process that require correction.

Error limits also play an important role in sampling inspection. They determine how many deviations in a sample are still tolerable before an entire production batch is rejected. This helps companies to find a balance between quality assurance and production efficiency.

Scientific research

In scientific research, error limits are of fundamental importance for the interpretation and validation of experiments and studies. They enable researchers to assess the reliability of their results and draw well-founded conclusions.

An illustrative example can be found in particle physics. Statistical error limits play a decisive role in the search for new elementary particles, such as the Higgs boson. Scientists often use the concept of standard deviations to quantify the significance of their discoveries. For example, a “5-sigma discovery” means that the probability that the observed result occurred by chance is less than 1 in 3.5 million.

In climate research, error limits are used to describe the uncertainty in climate models and temperature forecasts. This is crucial for assessing the reliability of climate predictions and developing effective climate protection measures.

Error bounds are also of great importance in medical research, especially in clinical trials. They help to determine whether an observed effect, for example the effectiveness of a new drug, is statistically significant or whether it lies within the range of random fluctuations.

Calibration and test equipment monitoring

The calibration of measuring devices and the continuous monitoring of test equipment are crucial for maintaining measurement accuracy in all areas of measurement technology. Error limits play a central role here, as they form the basis for assessing the accuracy of measuring instruments and determining calibration intervals.

During calibration, the readings of a measuring device are compared with known reference values. The error limits of the calibration standard must be significantly narrower than those of the device to be calibrated. A ratio of at least 4:1 is usually aimed for, i.e. the error limits of the standard should be no more than a quarter of the error limits of the device to be calibrated.

A practical example is the calibration of a precision balance. If the balance is to have an accuracy of ±0.1 g, the calibration weights must have an accuracy of at least ±0.025 g. The deviations determined during calibration are documented and can be used to correct the measurements or to adjust the specified error limits of the device.

In test equipment monitoring, error limits are used to decide when a measuring device needs to be recalibrated or replaced. If a device provides measured values that are outside the specified error limits during regular checks, this is an indication that recalibration or maintenance is required.

The determination of calibration intervals is often based on analyzing the drift of measuring devices over time. Error limits help to determine the point at which the probability of a significant deviation from the specified accuracy becomes too great.


An in-depth look at error limits in measurement technology reveals their fundamental importance for precise and reliable measurements in almost all areas of science, technology and industry. This concluding chapter summarizes the most important findings and underlines the central role of error limits in modern metrology.

To summarize, error limits are much more than a technical necessity. They are a fundamental concept that defines the limits of our knowledge and technological capabilities. Their understanding and correct application are crucial for progress in science and technology. In a world that is increasingly dependent on precise data and reliable measurements, error limits will continue to play a key role in the future. They remind us that every measurement is subject to a certain degree of uncertainty and at the same time drive us to push the boundaries of what can be measured. The pursuit of precision, coupled with an awareness of the limits of our measurements, will continue to be a driving factor for innovation and discovery in all areas of science and technology.