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Normal current transformers and normal voltage transformers in practice

In electromobility, precise and reliable energy transmission is essential to ensure the efficiency and safety of electric vehicles (EVs) and their charging infrastructures. Standard current transformers and standard voltage transformers play a central role here. These devices are designed to accurately measure and monitor electrical currents and voltages, making a decisive contribution to the optimal functioning and performance of the systems.

Standard current transformers make it possible to accurately measure high currents in electric vehicles and charging stations and convert them into manageable values. This is particularly important for the control and safety of electrical systems, as overloads can be recognised and avoided. In addition to monitoring, they also help to optimise energy consumption by improving the efficiency of the current flow.

Normal voltage transformers, on the other hand, ensure precise measurement and regulation of voltage levels. In practice, this means that they accurately monitor the voltage flowing to the various components of an electric vehicle or charging station. This ensures that all systems operate within safe operating limits and protects against voltage drops or spikes that could damage the electronics.

Basics of normal current transformers

Standard current transformers are essential components in many electrical systems, especially in electromobility. They are used to precisely measure high electrical currents that flow in electric vehicles and their charging systems and transform them to lower, more manageable values. This is crucial for monitoring, controlling and protecting electrical systems.

Definition and mode of operation

A standard current transformer typically consists of a magnetic core and one or more windings. The primary current to be measured flows through the primary winding, which often consists of a single wire passing through the core. This generates a magnetic field that is proportional to the current. The secondary winding, which is located around the magnetic core, induces a voltage that is also proportional to the primary current, but is reduced to a measurable level. This method makes it possible to monitor high currents safely and accurately without the measuring devices being directly exposed to the high primary currents.

Standard current transformers must fulfil strict standards to ensure that they work reliably and accurately. These standards define, among other things, the accuracy, thermal stability and insulation strength of the transformers. Common standards include IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), which define specific performance requirements and test methods.

Areas of application

Standard current transformers are widely used in electromobility. One primary area of application is monitoring the flow of energy within electric vehicles. Here they ensure that the vehicle’s various electrical systems are supplied with the correct amount of current and protect against overloads. For example, they monitor the current flowing from the battery to the electric motors, thus helping to ensure the efficiency and safety of the drivetrain.

Another important field of application is the charging infrastructure. Standard current transformers are integrated into charging stations to monitor the current flow during the charging process. This is crucial to ensure that electric vehicle batteries are charged safely and efficiently. They help to optimise charging times and avoid overloading the electrical networks.

In addition, normal current transformers play an important role in energy management and billing systems in electric mobility. Precise measurements of electricity consumption enable accurate billing and improve energy efficiency. They enable operators of charging infrastructures to monitor, analyse and adjust energy consumption accordingly.

Basics of normal voltage converters

Normal voltage converters are essential components in electrical systems, which are used in electromobility in particular. These devices are designed to measure high voltages and convert them into standardised, lower values that can then be safely processed by measuring devices and control systems. They play a central role in the monitoring and control of electric vehicles and their charging infrastructures.

Definition and mode of operation

A normal voltage converter works by reducing the high voltage present in the electrical system to a lower, proportional voltage. This is done through transformers and electronic circuits that are calibrated to ensure accurate and reliable measurements. The primary part of the transformer is connected directly to the high-voltage line, while the secondary part outputs the reduced voltage, which can then be measured by standard measuring devices.

Technically speaking, a normal voltage transformer consists of a magnetic core and two windings: the primary and the secondary winding. The primary winding is connected to the high voltage source and the secondary winding supplies the proportional low voltage. The transformation ratio of the windings reduces the high input voltage to a measurable level while maintaining proportionality to the original voltage.

The relevant standards for standard voltage transformers include the specifications of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). These standards define the required performance characteristics such as accuracy, insulation resistance and thermal stability of the transformers to ensure their reliable operation in various fields of application.

Areas of application

Standard voltage converters are used in a wide range of applications in electromobility. One of the main areas of application is monitoring the battery voltage in electric vehicles. These converters ensure that the battery voltage is measured precisely, which is essential for the safe and efficient control of the drive system. They help to avoid problems such as over- or undervoltage, which could affect the performance and service life of the battery.

Another important area of application for normal voltage converters is in the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Here, they monitor the voltage levels during the charging process to ensure that the vehicle batteries are charged correctly and efficiently. This is crucial for the safety and reliability of the charging systems, as normal voltage transformers help to detect and regulate voltage fluctuations.

In addition, normal voltage transformers are integrated into energy management systems to enable accurate monitoring and billing of energy consumption. This is particularly relevant for charging infrastructure operators who need to accurately record and bill energy consumption at charging stations. Precise voltage measurements allow them to maximise the efficiency of their systems and control costs.

Standard voltage transformers also contribute to the overall safety of electrical systems by continuously monitoring voltage levels and providing appropriate signals in the event of deviations. This protects components from damage due to overload and contributes to the reliability of the entire system.

Importance of standard current transformers in electromobility

Standard current transformers play a key role in electromobility, as they play a decisive role in ensuring the operational stability and safety of electric vehicles and their charging infrastructures. These devices are specially designed to precisely measure and monitor electrical currents, which is essential for the optimal operation of electrical systems.

Monitoring and measurement

One of the most important functions of standard current transformers in electromobility is to monitor and measure the current flow. In electric vehicles, high currents flow between the battery and the electric motors, which must be measured precisely in order to enable efficient control of the drive system. Standard current transformers convert these high currents into lower, proportionally measurable values that can be analysed by control units and monitoring systems. This ensures continuous monitoring of the current flows and enables potential problems such as overloads or uneven distribution to be recognised and rectified at an early stage.

Standard current transformers are also indispensable in the charging infrastructure. They monitor the current flow during the charging process and ensure that the batteries of electric vehicles are charged safely and efficiently. By accurately measuring the currents, chargers can optimise charging performance and shorten charging times without compromising safety. In addition, standard current transformers help to monitor and document energy consumption, which is important for billing systems and energy management solutions.

Safety and efficiency

Standard current transformers also contribute significantly to safety and efficiency in the operation of electric mobility systems. Precise current measurement means that overloads and short circuits can be quickly identified and appropriate protective measures can be initiated. This prevents damage to the electrical components and increases the service life of the systems. They also ensure that all electrical systems work within safe operating limits, which reduces the risk of failures and accidents.

Another important aspect is the increase in efficiency through the use of standard current transformers. By closely monitoring the current flow, energy flows can be optimised and losses minimised. This not only leads to improved electric vehicle performance, but also to greater energy efficiency, which is of great importance in times of rising energy costs and increasing environmental awareness. In the charging infrastructure, efficient current monitoring helps to reduce the load on the grid and optimise the operation of charging systems.

Importance of standard voltage transformers in electromobility

Standard voltage transformers are crucial for the reliable and efficient operation of electric vehicles and their charging infrastructures. These devices play a central role in monitoring and regulating voltages and make a significant contribution to safety and efficiency in electromobility.

Voltage monitoring

Precise monitoring of voltage levels is of the utmost importance in electromobility. Standard voltage transformers make it possible to accurately measure the high voltages present in the electrical systems of electric vehicles and chargers and convert them to lower, manageable values. In electric vehicles, they monitor the battery voltage, which is essential for the operation of the drivetrain and other electronic systems. By continuously measuring voltage, normal voltage converters ensure that the battery always operates within safe operating limits, preventing over- and undervoltages that could affect battery life and performance.

Normal voltage transformers are also indispensable in the charging infrastructure. They monitor the voltage during the charging process and ensure that electric vehicle batteries are charged correctly and efficiently. Accurate voltage monitoring is crucial to avoid charging errors and ensure safety. Normal voltage converters also help to recognise and adjust the voltage fluctuations in the power grid, which increases the stability of the entire charging system.

Voltage regulation

In addition to monitoring, normal voltage transformers also play a critical role in regulating the voltage supply. They ensure that all electrical components in electric vehicles and chargers are supplied with the correct voltage. This is particularly important as different components may have different voltage requirements. By regulating the voltage, standard voltage transformers ensure that all systems work efficiently and safely.

In electric vehicles, normal voltage converters help to stabilise the on-board voltage, which increases the reliability and performance of the vehicles. They ensure that electronic control units, motors and other electrical components always receive the voltage they need to function optimally. This voltage regulation protects the systems from damage caused by voltage fluctuations and improves the overall performance and service life of the vehicle.

In the charging infrastructure, voltage regulation through normal voltage converters enables a safe and efficient charging process. They help to adjust and optimise charging performance by regulating the voltage to the required level. This leads to shorter charging times and better energy efficiency, which is beneficial for both users and charging infrastructure operators.

Integration into charging systems

The integration of normal current and voltage converters into modern charging systems is crucial to ensure optimal charging performance and safety. These converters play a central role in monitoring and controlling the energy flow, which improves both the efficiency and reliability of charging processes.

Charging infrastructure

In the charging infrastructure, normal current and normal voltage transformers are essential components that ensure that the entire charging process runs efficiently and safely. Standard current transformers monitor the flow of current in the charging stations and precisely measure the amount of current being carried. These measurements are necessary to optimise the performance and efficiency of the charging station. They make it possible to record the actual energy consumption and, if necessary, make adjustments to avoid overloads and shorten charging times.

Normal voltage converters, on the other hand, monitor the voltage levels and ensure that the voltage remains stable throughout the charging process. This is particularly important in order to protect the sensitive electronics in the electric vehicles and the chargers themselves. By continuously monitoring and regulating the voltage, normal voltage converters can compensate for voltage fluctuations and thus ensure the stability of the charging system. This not only contributes to safety, but also prevents damage to the batteries and other electrical components.

The precise monitoring of current and voltage enables charging infrastructure operators to accurately document and bill energy consumption. This is particularly important for public charging systems, where accurate billing and transparent cost records are required. In addition, precise monitoring and control of energy flows can maximise the overall efficiency of the charging system, offering both economic and environmental benefits.


Normal current and normal voltage converters are also of great importance in the chargers themselves. These devices must not only be robust and reliable, but also capable of precisely controlling the charging process. Normal current transformers in chargers measure the current flowing from the charging station to the vehicle and ensure that the charging process is controlled and even. This precise current monitoring enables chargers to detect and prevent overloads, which extends the service life of the battery and other electrical components.

Normal voltage transformers in chargers play an equally important role. They monitor the voltage supplied to the electric vehicle and ensure that it always remains within safe limits. Over- or undervoltage can cause significant damage and the converters help to minimise such risks. Precise voltage regulation ensures that the vehicle is optimally charged, increasing efficiency and reducing charging times.


Standard current and voltage converters are key components in electromobility, which make a decisive contribution to the safety and efficiency of electric vehicles and charging infrastructures thanks to their precise monitoring and regulation of the energy flow. Their integration into modern charging systems enables precise measurement and control of current and voltage, which is essential for the optimal operation of these systems.

The role of standard current and voltage transformers in electromobility cannot be overestimated. They provide the necessary precision and reliability to operate the complex electrical systems in electric vehicles and their charging infrastructures safely and efficiently. Thanks to their ability to deliver precise measured values and regulate voltages and currents, they make a significant contribution to the further development and acceptance of electromobility.