Events, ZERA News

Networking day on e-mobility

Welcome emobility

Last Thursday, we had weights and measures offices, metrological institutes, testing laboratories, utilities and many more as guests at our EMOB Day. With discussions, presentations and demonstrations of test solutions, the topic of metrological verification of charging stations was looked at in detail. The expansion of the charging infrastructure and legal metrological testing are currently the number one topic in relation to e-mobility. Here, requirements need to be defined and standards completed.

The large number of participants at this event exceeded all our expectations. We are pleased about this successful and very inspiring day and would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participants who made a decisive contribution to this event with their interest, questions and experiences.

A very special thank you also goes to the speakers, who presented the topic of e-mobility from their own personal point of view, and last but not least to Netze BW* and Tesla** for generously providing wallboxes, e-charging stations and e-vehicles. Thanks to this extensive equipment, we were able to present our test solutions for AC and DC charging stations under real conditions.


* Netze BW Sparte Dienstleistungen supports the expansion of the charging infrastructure, advises on implementation options and technical and legal requirements. They take over all processes from planning to the standard-compliant commissioning of charging stations. Their services are rounded off by training, maintenance and 24/7 service.

** Tesla values the Metrology expertise of NMi Certin B.V. and has engaged them in a project to evaluate and issue the appropriate certificate(s) for their embedded DC energy meter for use in their Supercharger network. Telsa welcome their insight and openness in working with Tesla to introduce new and innovative state-of-the-art charging products to the market.